Link for symptoms and
advise concerning your discomfort.
After an extraction, if you start bleeding again, take a used
teabag, place it at the site and bite hard for five minutes. The
pressure will stop the bleeding.
- If the bleeding continues, call your Dentist.
If you start to bleed spontaneously from your nose, it is
possible that after a recent extraction from the upper jaw and
some sneezing, you could have dislocated the clot or broken the
Schniderian membrane (membrane that forms the floor of the
sinuses). Your dentist will be able to evaluate the situation.
HEART PROBLEM: If a patient is on medication for a heart
problem or hypertension, the anticoagulant drugs taken can produce
spontaneous bleeding.
DEFECTIVE LIVER: If a patient has a defective liver due to disease
or alcoholism, some clotting factors could be not functioning
BLOOD DISORDER: If a patient has a blood disorder (hemophilia,
leukemia, sickle cell) any opening will trigger a hemorrhage.
- If bleeding continues and your dentist is not available, go
to your local hospital.
If you have a temporary cap which falls out, try first to snap
it back in. If unsuccessful, you can sometimes buy over the
counter temporary cement. Follow the directions strictly.
- Do not use ordinary household glue!! Preferably see a
dentist immediately.
If part of a tooth breaks off, keep the piece, sometimes the
dentist will be able to reuse that piece with bonding techniques.
- If you do not have the broken piece, call your dentist for
an appointment.
After a gum surgery, warm salt water rinses will help you with
possible discomfort you may be experiencing. Also, taking extra
vitamin C will help it to quicken the healing period.
Teeth can be put back until you reach a dentist!!
Advice: If you or your child falls and a tooth pops out of the
mouth: Rinse the tooth and try to hold the tooth in place in your
mouth (best) or a glass of milk (better) or water and get to a
dentist within 20 minutes.
- If you are out of reach of a dentist, rinse the tooth and
gently put the tooth back in the socket it came out of, and call
a qualified Dentist.
When pregnant, your gums will swell up and bleed. This is due
to the high hormone level.
- Keep your mouth clean by brushing and flossing after each
When you wake up in the morning, if your jaw muscles hurt and
feel sore, place a warm compress on and off (ten seconds at a
time,) for five minutes, every day for one week.
- The soreness may occur from grinding your teeth at night.
See your dentist to adjust your occlusion or get a night guard.
If you recently had a tooth taken out and the area has not
healed after one week, your dentist should take an x-ray to see if
a root tip or fragment is still embedded in the area.
- Do not wait to see your dentist.
If you had a tooth extracted on the lower back areas, it is
possible that you may not regain full sensory feelings
- After 24 hours contact your Dentist and let him know your symptoms.
If you have a tooth ache or an abscess: do not place an aspirin
directly on the sore area as commonly done. This will cause an
aspirin burn and the pain will increase later. Take the aspirin,
then place a nice compress on the cheek. The abscess is producing
heat, therefore the cold compress will keep the swelling down and
the inflammation in check.
You can also buy a over-the-counter topical anesthetic with 5%-20%
benzocaine which will help alleviate the pain temporarily.
- Relief is only temporary. Pick up the phone and schedule an
appointment with your dentist.

Abrasion: wearing away of a tooth due to abrasives.
Abscess: the formation of a sac of bacteria. Symptons are
swelling pain, throbbing, and a sensation of heat.
Anaesthesia: drug to block off any pain impulses from the
Analgenic: pain killer.
Ankylosis: teeth that do not fully erupt because they are
attached to the bone..
Antibiotics: medication to fight off bacteria causing
Asepsis: sterilization of the surroundings and instruments to
prevent infections.
Attrition: wearing away of a tooth due to the opposing tooth
and grinding.
Bleaching: oxygenating and conditioning the teeth with an
acid based gel
Bridge: when missing teeth, a dentist can use two or more
teeth present to "bridge" the space.
Calcification: the pulp is hardened due to calcium and
phosphorous salts.
Calculus: hardened plaque.
Cavities. when acids decalcify the tooth enamal and
disintegrates the dentin.
- Caused by acids produced by microbialenzymatic action on
ingested carbohydrates.
Cementum: the dull yellow surface of a root.
Cingulum: an enlargement or bulge on the lingual aspect of
the front teeth.
Contact point: area where two adjacent teeth touch each
other. You floss the contact point.
Crossbite: when the lower back teeth overlap the upper back
teeth when closing the mouth
Crowding: lack of space produces teeth that are overlapping
Cusp: a point or peak on the top surface of a tooth.
Deciduous dentition: (Baby Teeth) the primary dentition,
also known as the milk teeth (20).
Dentin: the hard tissue under the enamel and cementum.
- Full denture: when the patient has no teeth
- Immediate: getting a denture at the time the patient
gets teeth extracted.
- Partial: when the patient has a few teeth (partially
Diastema: the space present when the central incisor are
Edgewise: orthodontic appliance
Enamel: the hard shiny surface of a tooth.
Erosion: a dissolution of tooth due to reason unknown.
Excision: cutting and harvesting the tissue usually for study
of possible pathology
Extraction: removal of a tooth.
Fistula: tract made by infection exiting often through the
gingiva and resembling a pimple.
Full denture: when the patient has no teeth (edentulous).
Fusion: tooth appears double but a separation is present due
to two teeth fusing together.
Gemination: tooth appears double due to splitting of a
single tooth germ.
Gingiva: the soft tissue that surrounds a tooth (the gum).
Gingivitis: inflammation of the gingiva (bleeding gums).
Graft: a piece of tissue taken from one area and placed at
Groove: a sharply defined linear depression.
Hutchinson's teeth: screwdriver shaped teeth due to
prenatal syphilis.
Immediate denture: getting a denture at the time the
patient gets teeth extracted.
Impacted Tooth: a tooth that is blocked fully or partially
from exiting the gum line by an adjacent tooth.
- Full bony extraction: the tooth is submerged in the
bone, full bone removal is necessary.
- Fully soft tissue extraction: the tooth is submerged in
the tissue, full cutting is necessary.
- Partly bony extraction: partial bone must be taken out
to be able to reach the tooth to be extracted.
- Partly soft tissue extraction: partial cutting of the
tissue is needed to reach the tooth to be extracted.
- A substitute for a lost tooth. It functions as additional
support, most often providing the very important option of
esthetics, non removable rather than removable tooth
replacement. Implants are fabricated from body compatible
bio-materials, most often titanium or one of its alloys. It can
vary in shape from a blade-like shape to a screw type shape.
Incision and drainage: cutting of tisue in order to allow the
infection to flow out and reduce pain and the swelling.
Incision: cutting.
Inlay: restoration used when less than 3/4 of a tooth is
present and the cusps are not missing.
Intravenous sedation: putting someone to sleep with an IV.
Laminate Veneer: fingernail like restoration made of
porcelain or composite.
Mandible: the lower jaw.
Maxillae: the upper jaw.
Nightguard: occlusal guard.
Occlusal guard: appliance used to prevent grinding (nightguard).
Onlay: restoration used when 3/4 of a tooth and part of the
cusps are missing.
Open bite: due mostly to thumb sucking, the front teeth do
not touch when closing the mouth
Overbite: when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front
when teeth when closing your mouth
Overdenture: denture made over existing teeth or root tips
that have had root canal. These roots are left there in order to
reduce bone loss.
Overjet: the distance between the upper and lower front
teeth, when the upper are bucked out and the lower are more
refracted inside towards the tongue.
Palate, Hard: the front part of the roof of the mouth.
Palate, Soft: the back part of the roof of the mouth.
Paraesthesia: lack of sensation at the sensory level.
Papillate: gums between the teeth.
Partial denture: when the patient has a few teeth (partially
Pericoronitis: gingival tissue area of an empty tooth that is
inflamed. Most often the Wisdom Tooth.
Periodontitis: inflammation of the bone (bone loss).
Pin and tube: orthodontic appliance
Plaque: film of materials made up of saliva, molds and
bacteria. Dead cells, blood cells, food particles and bacterial
Post and core: used in order to build up tooth to be able to
place a crown on it.
Pulp: the center of a tooth made up of vessels and nerve
Recontouring: reshaping the teeth.
Retainer: appliance to hold the teeth in a certain position.
Ribbon arch: orthodontic appliance
Root canal: removal of the nerve tissue due to infection from
cavities or trauma, and filled with gutta percha.
Root planning: scraping root below the gums.
Scaling: scraping of the tooth above the gums.
Sinus: air spaces above the upper teeth.
Space maintainer: appliance used to allow teeth to come into
a certain area.
Splint: appliance used to stabilize loose teeth.
Succedaneous dentition: the permanent dentition (32).
Suture: stitches.
- Canines: the cornerstone of the mouth, the fangs or the
cuspid (upper and lower).
- Incisors, Lateral: the next teeth on either side of the
central incisors (upper and lower).
- Incisors, Central: the two front teeth, the cutting
teeth (upper and lower).
- Molars: the back teeth, the chewing teeth (upper and
- Premolar: the middle teeth or the bicuspid (upper and
TMJ(TMD): temporomandibular joint(disorder), the place near
the ear where the lower jaw "joins" the skull. A defect of
the disc or other parts are involved. A clicking is most common.
Uvula: a small fleshy structure hanging from the center of
the soft palate.